Adele Quested

Tell that to the neckbeards crying how a somewhat less than faithful movie adaptation of their favourite cartoon has raped their childhood. ( For real. I don't know what my larger point with this is, in the context of this particular conversation, it's just something that generally annoys me.)

Two small lies might feel less bad than a big one. Also more plausible deniability. Being slightly off on both counts can be more easily sold as a honest mistake than more significant misrepresentation of one factor.

Huh, that's interesting. My mum has spent considerable energies on impressing on me the notion that I should never buy high-heels, because I might end up taller than some guy with those. But I guess the general popularity of high-heels suggests that this might have been one of my mom's more idiosyncratic issues.

Honestly, I think finding a match is more a matter of luck and compatibility rather than performance. I guess you can learn to be less self-sabotaging, but you can't learn to be any luckier.

I think courtship/dating is hard. But being single and not dating can be perfectly comfortable.

For me it's less about genetics but consent issues. Even with siblings who are close in age. Sibling relationships tend to come with so much automatic intimacy/issues that the potential for abuse is just too great. (That's assuming that people have actually been raised together). You have even less of a chance to

Well, the first fiance has clearly proven unworthy, having been so easily seduced, and Vanessa is generous enough to want what's best for Minna in the long run, even if the path to that outcome was painful and made Vanessa herself look bad.

♫Tante Ceccarelli hat in Bologna Amore gemacht! Amore, meine Stadt
Tante Ceccarelli hat einmal in Bologna Amore gehabt! Bologna, meine Stadt ♫

You know, I _ am_ glad to see you take the internet so seriously.

Let's hope it's just the trailer. It's just… something about a trailer in a middle eastern setting without any actually middle eastern characters getting any lines doesn't bode well.

Huh, didn't think that Werner Herzog of all people would have a thing for white saviors and noble savages. This sure looks pretty though.

Clearly that's because you're more perceptive than me. These things often tend to take me a while.

Hard to believe that anyone would buy the premise that any of those girls would really buy the premise.

That's tough. My sympathies. So it's back to praying for a miracle, I guess.

okay, reading other people's comments, I clearly forgot some points here:

Honestly, I don't think you can handle this any better than you already do. Talking truth to her is pointless right now, when she's still in the throes of limerence. It would only make her invest in him even more, out of spite. We tend to be most invested in what we are most often forced to defend.

Good luck with the job!

My guess is that they loathe you because it's their coping mechanism, not because of anything specifically about you. It might also be a bit of a sour grapes situation - since they couldn't make it work with you, you have to be the worst for them to feel okay about giving up on you, otherwise it might read to them as

I'm ashamed in the name of Catholicism. Sorry you had to go through this.

a) I'm all for giving people a certain margin of error (people who are not allowed to make mistakes never have a shot at truly learning anything). I'm also very much for managing expectations. I rarely write off people completely, but I do start to expect less of them (in certain regards) if they continuously