The terror!
The terror!
Does he worry about shaking hands with people who are wearing rings?
Time wasted...extravagantly!
If the Autobahn is MEH, then why do we have this...
Recommended because of the satirical use of Sam the Eagle.
I'm not most fond of Chris Brown. However, if this isn't a Brogasmic ledgend they boast amongst themselves for machismo and if true is that any different that Patriarchal/religious slut shaming?
After reading Drunkexpat's Thomas the Tank Engine erotic story excerpt (the text was from a linked article that lambasted the screed), this blog post and then Seize's referenced post. Yeah, it was too disgusting yet funny, but I still need a dose of Brainbleach or a forget-me-now.
I'd probably guffaw throughout the movie.
My eyes!!!!
Bless you and thanks Annalee for this awesome write-up about crow behavior. I'm compelled to send the link to this post!
Your post gave me cancer.
Testing Kinja.
Edit: That's a hell of a tragic case of tinea pedis.
Some folks researched how to remove the excess by trimming and forest floor detritus removal, yet leave enough forest to sustain wildlife. Here's a starter white paper (PDF).
You found the light. :)
That vicious brute!
That vicious brute!
The backend is still healthy. That's good.