
Brain cells die everytime someone compares Anita to Jack Thompson.

You are a moron. Reread the title of this article and come back to me about what this article was supposed to be about from the start.

The game we’ve written about multiple times over the past few years, right? That we’ve run videos of? That one?

Seriously? She can voice her opinion on gaming, and people can choose to accept it, argue it or ignore it. Critique is key to any process. Voicing these opinions should not result in threats to her, or her livelihood - that is not helpful to anyone.

umm she has a right to critique the games.

That’s not what she’s doing any more than like Pauline Kael or Roger Ebert were telling film makers how to make movies.

I was just coming into this thread to say that, and I was humming 5 1/2 minute hallway from the Poe album.

I live at the end of a 5 1/2 minute hallway...just so you know.

I thought the same thing with changing hallways and growls.

Have you listened to the companion album? There's some good shit there. And good insight into the story, as well.

Reminds me of House of Leaves.

Wait, wait, wait.....

So you’re trying to tell me that people can change after their grade school years and blossom in personality, talents, and skills???

I absolutely believe the story, but you lose me at “it’s time she came clean”. Who cares? Why is she obliged to tell you her real back story if she thinks there’s a funnier/more interesting one? This isn’t a politician or Brian Williams lying about stories or anything, it’s just fluff filler information that doesn’t

What possible difference could it ever make in your life, my life, or the lives of literally anyone else?

No, it’s Becky.

On the down side, this seems pretty sexist.

Me: That’s terrible, well lets get your email setup, if you’d please click on the little picture of an envelope that is called ‘Outlook Express’ please.

I'm always game for an attempt to make Bill Donahue stroke out live on Fox.

I really respect guys who launch the game as a free alpha and even put in bold: "Please feel free to make videos of gameplay and monetize it". We need more of this and less "Pay us now for early access of an unplayable game!"