
Everything came together perfectly and at the right moment with the right skills and the right drive. George Martin became their producer because of office politics. Then he became the fifth Beatle.

Including the bootlegs?

dammit… one more page down and I'd have seen you got there first. I'm leaving mine up anyway.

Maxwell's Silver Hammer is about a serial killer. It's the worst song on Abbey Road but still probably not appropriate for toddlers.

When I did my obsessive full-collection rip (everything… even the things I didn't like at all) disk space wasn't so cheap. I did the selective lossless rip but now I'm considering getting back in the saddle and re rip.

I thought it was Jackie Mason. I heard Topo Gigio flipped Ed off once.

Are you going to be okay? Can we call anyone for you?

I thought it was fuck the old goat. Albert Goldman is/was (I refuse the dignity of a mortality check) despicable.

Can we trust them? I heard they were…. moptops.

Brevity is the soul of shameless self promotion.

Guy questions: this is an obviously small sample but I am curious as to how much you found this to be true for yourselves and friends. I used to have this thing when daughters of friends would get guitars that I'd buy them records of women guitar gods so they'd hear first hand that many appearances to the contrary,

Shooting fish in a barrel is really messy.

We haven't seen Suzanne Somers or Gary Burghoff for a while

I can also think Plan 9 from Outer Space is a bad movie, even though I know even less about making movies than Ed Wood. Not being as successful as Chuck Lorre isn't a valid argument in Chuck's favor.

It's our brand. We have no choice.

Fuck Spokane. Until NCIS: Des Moines is on the air, my boycott will continue.

I did. My name wasn't "Hamm" so I didn't feel qualified to post it.

My mom didn't realize "The Brady Bunch Movie" was a parody. She was not the sharpest arrow in the quiver.

It's the nature of the gig.

Things I simply don't understand and have lost the will to try: Chuck Lorre's success. Every show… EVERY show… he's ever made is a rip roaring pile that would embarrass Mr. Hankey. BBT is minstrelcy… it breaks my heart how bad "Mom" is. "Dharma and Greg" is the best of the lot that one only because they sprayed