
Fuck Carole Bayer Sager. You win.

This is going to be one of those Liberation Front of Slack v. the Slack Liberation Front arguments, isn't it?

Give that ninja a cigar. As the song goes "That's What Drones are For." It all becomes a video game.

Are you okay, man? Can I get anything for you?

Well, we don't just march where we're told and don't just buy into authoritarian dogma (see studies by Bob Altemeyer). We can disagree on some issues, even important issues, and still generally support a candidate or office holder.

By the hammer of Ivan Stang, I besmirch thee.

Someone stole my Bob Dobbs coffee mug and I'm pissed.

It's built tough.

I love Bruce's reaction to Reagan's complete misunderstanding of Born in the USA. I don't think Bruce would've voted for Reagan with a gun to his head.

Like a Rock, I think.

I disarmed a family member once when first he was threatening another member with a handgun and then himself with a shotgun. Fuck guns and gun lovers.

Who shot first? Travis. It's always Travis. Bastard.

She was a long, cool cylon in a black dress….

After the first 6 or 7, it tastes just fine.

There's no reason to leave the Wiggles.

It's self explanatory.

Usquaebach is nice if you like blends (I like them sometimes).

Those worthy of passing will pass.

Johnnie Walker Gold Label. Which they don't make anymore.