
I've been looking for a hobby and now you have me thinking…

"What's the difference between a stove?"
"The more you polish it, it gets."

I'm struggling for a joke here… I got nothin'.

Gun and a rope and a handful of hope.. Adamaaaaaa.

Fucking hell… I can't tell you how many times that's slipped my mind. And they take deflector dishes out of my salary, too!

Lots of artists… including Dylan… make claims like that.

Just remember: don't follow cylons and watch your parking pylons

I haven't watched this one in a while. This bugs the living piss out of me.

Uber Spoiler - later season edition

Yeah, that's a tough one when a person reaches myth status. Are supposed to take the line in "Getting Better" as representing the change? He volunteered (and Cynthia corroborated) that the events occurred. Maybe he did change, and he's one of my artistic heroes (they always have feet of clay) but the guy who wrote

It was fun. The guy who made the Henri le Chat Noir movies curated it and was there. My wife wanted to go for her birthday.

<click> owww.

Noted. That's a pretty high bar. If I trim my nails too closely and mention something I saw on the internet, will it be enough?

Hey, I'm a crazy fat guy. Not the famous one, but I'm in the union.

And that was for his parking….

I don't mean to cast aspersions, but I heard you were only milk resistant. It's just what I heard.

Olga, we like to think comment under your name is so… how you say… extra ordineery… that there not is upvote need. It self votes up.

The Black Farpotshket.

Nothing better than bad food except plenty of it.

I remember the feeling of disorientation I had when I actually met someone named Merv. It's true. It's a real name. Look, I don't make this shit up, it's real.