
Yep, because the three-eyed raven’s most notable quality is his proactivity in westerosi current affairs.

Said about a show who’s core and unique selling point and identity is not giving characters plot armour, and thus routinely killing them off with their stories dangling in mid-air.

it would be a betrayal of her entire arc to have her end up being worse than Cersei.

In that case, indubitably. There’s a reason why the spice-trade was the biggest global market for the vast majority of history.
Whether the ancient Romans running parasite-infested Garum across the known world; or the Spice War of 1602.

I think it is only the west’s relatively recent frowning on drugs (post the Great

Unless you’re suggesting imperialism (and / or colonialism) is somehow disqualifying of having a noteworthy spice palette, not sure I see what point you’re trying to make.
Might as well say (not so) historical fascism is disqualifying of making good pasta and throw some shade at Italy while we’re at it.

The country that gave the world the Phall; and arguably the Balti, Tikka Masala, and at least in the globally recognised form, the Vindaloo?

Or, to put it another way:
How do you save anti-vaxxers from all manner of preventable diseases if the precondition for you providing the preventative treatment (vaccination) is that you believe (erroneously, and willfully) the treatment you’re providing is worse than the cure.

Democrats are screwed until they accept a grossly oversimplified bullshit talking point as being factually correct?

Maybe, but you’re just making my point for me: Their [the electoral base’s] opposition to reality means they are opposed to any measures that can help them.
If adopting false beliefs is a requirement for

Too late. People don’t stop locking their front doors just because the guy responsible for the local spate of burglaries has left town - no matter how much better things were when there was trust.

The Republican party is just as guilty at eroding the norms of democracy and civil society for partisan gain as Trump and

They can’t.
These are people who benefit the most from the affordable care act, but think that it’s a communist plot by an islamic-terrorist president, and should be done away with.

It simply isn’t possible to help people whose core personal identity is so diametrically opposed to any of the steps needed to help them.


Remember that the Night king put his mark on Bran in a “memory” he was visiting, and that Bran seemed to be able to interact with “memory” Ned in another memory.

It’s not just a symbolic legacy, it seems like it’s the ability to attack causality and history itself.

“this was not a case of the camera taking on the default male gaze, in my opinion”

I think you could make a decent case for this: Her body isn’t centre frame IIRC, even the (nonsexual, that is to say, it isn’t fetishised) reveal of her scars has Gendry’s face and reactions as the object.
Whether or not that mise en

I think it’s one of the main failings in how Lisa is dealt with by the writers that her sibling jealousy is actually a prime character detail (we’ve already hit some of the main notes just in the last two posts); but unlike all of the other Simpsons-family (and even larger Springfielder) foibles, it’s always treated

Would you also revel in the details of her past heterosexual encounters?” - accidental hotwife / cuckold kink-shaming? 

Indeed, he did not say it in this article, which means it was not said in the context of this article.

This shouldn’t be that hard a concept to understand.

That is not the context of him saying he’s from Atlanta.  Unless he’s the Kwisatz Haderach, he presumably wasn’t saying that he was from Atlanta with the foreknowledge that it would one day be quoted in the AV Club in a story about him being deported.

I’d rather contextualise in, you know, the context where he actually said he’s “from Atlanta” - that being the context of an interview in which he is describing his musical influences and the culture which informed his art and his contemporary life.

Should’ve said “born and raised” then.

By that reasoning someone who’s spent the entirety of their life in Bumblefuck town, Kansas - but happened to be born between connecting flights in Delhi - is “from India” despite having spent less time there than a businessman who’s had a stopover.