
Indeed. Rather annoying the number of right-wingers who insist that acts of personal charity are some how preferable to public spending when the outcome is this.

Maybe he meant “fat”?

It could possibly *explain* it, though.  Which might be useful and interesting to talk about.

I think the issue of tone is where SW: The Force Awakens lost me – it felt like it was trying and failing to force the tone of Marvel CU instead of looking at the elements that made the original trilogy work.

We still get to keep Die Hard 2 as a Christmas movie though, right Bruce?

I was gonna guess Scrooged.

I found 3's version of a post-apocalypse wasteland to be more convincing and thus immersive as a setting.

I found New Vegas’s to be the more creative and charming.

The state broadcaster, on its flagship hard news analysis show, seemingly endorsing a narrative that *the leader of the opposition* is associated with Russia – immediately in the wake of several public figures having to recant defamatory accusations of him being a soviet-bloc spy, no less – strikes me as precisely the

Does the Ghostbusters reboot count? Because the trailer seemed to think it was a sequel...

Part of the problem is that Springfield is a town-in-a-bottle. Even when the town is ruined they just up sticks and move it to a new location in order to hit the reset button.
Character development (as opposed to character evolution, which has already occured in the case of Apu amongst others - and has lead to

They’re still broadcast on Fox in the US, right?
There’s an even sadder thought for you, gratis.

<i>Maybe it’s that The Simpsons’ creative team just believes all this stuff is accepted as read—nullifying any need to “do something” about Apu, because they’ve already done so much with and for him over the years. There’s admittedly some truth to that: Apu is arguably the most rounded-out “tertiary” character on

Whether or not such a film is pedestrian would be down to its execution – in the case of the Breakfast Club we have a classic film.
This is of course different to a sermonising films like I listed, which are intrinsically pedestrian.

And your opinion lost all credibility when you felt justified making assumptions about

You might not think so, but that’s what it boils down to.
It’s why all those stupid Christian movies suck; and why those Ayn Rand adaptations sucked; and why “very special episodes” in sitcoms tend to suck.

Because sacrificing the art for an opportunity to shoe-horn in “A Message” tends to lead to disengaging pedestrian

‘The title comes from the nickname invented by students and staff for morning detention at New Trier High School, the school attended by the son of one of John Hughes’ friends. Thus, those who were sent to detention before school starting time were designated members of “The Breakfast Club.”’ -

The “Breakfast Club” is supposed to be slang for people being in detention; not a self-generated name for that particular group of students.

“The point is movies shouldn’t send the message that if you sexually harass a girl all day, you’ll be rewarded with her affection by the time the day is over.”

So you’re saying that movies should be sermons indoctrinating us in moral lessons; rather than, say, depicting elements of the human experience that can be seen

How? Why? His squinty beady eyes make him look like an elderly constipated terrier. He looks like a pinhead whose brain has been strangulated by its own skull.

“How could something so trivial as politics destroy a loving marriage.”

At the risk of Godwinning this – “how could something so trivial as politics kill ~ 6million jewish people?”

Politics describe the mechanisms of state and corporate power that impact pretty much every aspect of our daily lives, it’s incredibly

You can’t use a big ol’ phillips head screwdriver to tighten some tiny flat-head jewellery screws.
You can’t use pink nail-polish to give you green finger-nails.
Using just one kitchen knife will lead to cross-contamination and food poisoning.

You can use one shotgun to: shoot clay pidgeons / targets / pests; hunt birds,