
“People don’t make this stuff up”

Says who? All sorts of people confess to crimes they haven’t committed all the time. Never heard of Munchausen’s syndrome?

Pathological lying is a thing; and whether or not any given accusation happens to be a lie is entirely down to the circumstances, not as to how newsworthy and

Won’t he be insulated from penury by the Seinfeld money he gets? Or is that trivial / gone?

Won’t he be insulated from penury by the Seinfeld money he gets? Or is that trivial / gone?

Not at all. You need to work on your reading comprehension.

Also, on your reasoning.

Pointing out that you’re making claims without any evidence in no way justifies your belief that anecdotal evidence trumps scientific inquiry, whose evidence is arrived at empirically.

Argument from ignorance.
He knows as much as has been stated in the above article, which is the basis of this discussion.

Counter hypothesis: You lack information about me with which to make that judgement; and thus you making that unfounded judgement demonstrates why no-one should listen to your insistence that your judgement trumps science.

That is actually more informative that the wikipedia entries for either of the first two films are:

Good point. Anecdotal evidence trumps science. That’s why everyone’s prejudices are valid, and climate change denial isn’t irrational.

Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Are you posting from another timeline?
Because this is the second time your post criticises things that haven’t actually been said.

If we want to look at what makes a person a fuckwit, I think the first indicator would be your piss-poor reading comprehension; closely followed up by your perverse attempts to shoe-horn

Agreed; and while that is reason enough for them not to have a platform, brand, or media presence: Is it reason enough for the rest of us to drum up controversy in order to persecute them into either notoriety or obscurity?

And apparently people give a shit about what /you’ve/ got to say?

And naturally you must be fully in agreement with my point; because apparently neither of us “getting to dictate the actions of others” somehow renders any sort of critical consideration of the topic moot, and thus anything anyone says is unarguable...

I’ve got friends who are veggie and vegan, and I generally enjoy the challenge of creating something outside of my usual repertoire to feed them.

It’s no big deal.

But they’re not particularly militant, I don’t get the impression that veganism is an identity thing or that they’re part of a vegetarian or vegan community,

I assume you were replying to someone else and clicked the wrong button; because absolutely nothing I said had anything to do with me, or anyone else, living with a vegan.

All I did was repeat what the media is stating, and it is in agreement with the former poster’s assessment: The person in question refused the vegan

My current boss is awesome, best I’ve had. I had one previous boss who was “ok for the most part”; although I think the business’s owner leaned on her to do some shitty things that don’t let me give her a pass.

Apart from that - Dilbert principle, I guess?

Disagree. When you’re posting to the world on Twitter, and not even having the sense to use direct messages, you’re airing your dirty laundry in public.

If you’re going to intentionally expose an audience to that, then you have a whole heap of responsibilities - and not intentionally using them in a point-scoring game

Pretty much this.
Clarifications in the British press suggest that the Mozzarella for the pizza included rennet, as you’d expect from a pizza on a non-vegan menu.

It is ambiguous as to whether or not rennet-free Mozzarella was available, and if so why it wasn’t used instead; but that line of reasoning has been discussed

“How you you rape someone and not know it?”

Same way you make it home without having any recollection how? By getting blackout drunk and having absolutely no memories of several hours of your life?

The word “gerrymandering” does, though.

I know all about American drinking culture, hence why I described the assumptions the initial post makes, and the implicit cultural bias that lead to them, as “quaint”.

Unless you think that arbitrary lines on a map are the determining factor in how booze impacts any given social scenario, I can’t see why that should be pertinent.