
“Is he buying her drinks because he’s trying to get her drunk, or because he just thinks that adults get drinks on dates, even if one of them is 20?”

This is rather a quaint take on the subject, considering 20 is well over the legal drinking age in countless countries. Thinking back to under-age drinking, most of my

I didn’t say that the system was flawless; nor did my argument rely on it.

Unless you’re agreeing with the OP that a low prosecution rate justifies mob-justice, you’re the one being less than helpful.

Also, Franken might not be threatened with prison; but as I pointed out - a UK politician has committed suicide after

How many times can that happen by accident?

No idea, but I’d assume many many more times than can happen to non-celebrities like us who aren’t expected to take photos with strangers on a daily basis.

Hypocritical to bring up strawman arguments and then misrepresent what I said as “innocent people are being convicted”.

The point remains that you were using the low conviction rate to argue against the due process which has given us that conviction rate. Just like you are now arguing that “corrupt violent police

We could dispense with trial-by-jury altogether and convict 100% of anyone accused quite easily. We needn’t even stop at rape or focus on male perpetrators.

There’s a difference between things being “swept under the rug” and trial-by-media.

I think the problem is that, in not just this story, the evidence we’re provided with doesn’t really corroborate that much.

Assuming the picture another poster linked to here is the one in question, it doesn’t show any groping, and the above article doesn’t provide any additional evidence apart from her say-so.


Not sure it sounds so credible to me...

So it’s the meaningless buzzword shorn of all significance... Noted.

Just to clarify –
Is your problem with him because of:
His recognition of the process of human aging;
Him having the temerity to reference the process of human aging;
Him stating a preference for the most sexually-desirable age-range;
The implication that preference is a commonality;
The possibility that commonality might

But if there had been, it would’ve made the title “Malcolm in the Middle” creepy AF.

At the very least this argument assumes a non-omniscient god, and strongly implies a non-omnipotent god too.

An omnipotent god can gift himself the power of omniscience, prescience follows from omniscience.
A prescient god already knows how the choices he makes in the nature of creation will turn out, and thus already

People share things with their girlfriends. Keeping secrets between him and his wife would arguably more excluding than being honest and keeping her informed about friction that is developing.

My read on the “sloppy seconds” comment is that it was just something the wife threw out for emphasis; and that the real issue

By that argument anyone who wants to be gagged and bound during BDSM is being raped / sexually harassed no matter how into it they are, irrespective of their gender or if they were the one initiating and responsible for the situation, how intensively planned the scenario was before hand.

Another thing good people don’t do? They don’t fuck Nazis.

I was getting pretty sick of Rick's shit, but didn't consider it could be building to something.

I think it aired in a graveyard slot here in the uk. I seem to remember watching a ton of the episodes on VHS.

Twenty-two episodes of a little-remembered TV show called Mortal Kombat: Conquest aired on The WB and later TNT between October 1998 and May 1999

“The idea that we just have to try again. We just have to try again. It’s such a beautiful, powerful idea.”

It reminds me of the "boardgame" / electronic tabletop war game they play in The Magic Christian.