
TEACH THEM TO CHANGE A SPARE TIRE. Specifically, the spare tire in their car. 

Why was “cuffing and stuffing” him necessary prior to verifying the attempted transaction was illegitimate?

Hah! I came here to talk about this and expected to get the villagers and torches treatment. Using a mental health crisis to manipulate people or get attention disgusts me to no end. This is just as important a conversation to have. I’m obsessed with r/relationships and there are too many posts from people who spent

one only wonders if the Stand Your Ground legislation can be used by civilians against the police too...?  /s

Thank you my friend i will be sure to join. Thank you also on my behalf and my fellow Kurds to all US troops who have over the years sacrifised their lives to help protect and serve our regions. Your country has some true honest to god heros.

Hahaha, i do exist Jason and i am one of Jalopnik’s biggest Kurdish fans. Hope everyone enjoyed the video.

If you can make put cap back onto wodka bottle, you may sober enough for to drive in mother russia.

Two nations, divided by a common language:

It’s almost like the stadium isn’t causing growth to occur around it! Wow, it’s almost as though stadium financing is a scam! WTF!

This particular thug met their definition of a “good guy with a gun*” right up until the second he didn’t. Concealed-carry license and all.

NRA spokesdemon.

We shouldn’t be giving Israel a dime. So I see nothing wrong with her supporting BDS.

yes.  A bulldozer.

In the middle east that would be Saudi Arabia, not Iran.

I like generals who DON’T lose.

It costs a great deal of money to be poor in America.

“Say what you will about Hitler, but at least he killed Hitler.”

Schumer will more likely talk about how this is a good time for Left and Right to come together against a common enemy, and confirm Kavanaugh in the spirit of good faith in bipartisanship, claiming that the Republicans will gladly return the favor one day. Schumer will say all of this while smiling and looking really c

“If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!”

“investing some money in a single stock you’re interested in”