
These are definitely cars for a target demographic that has someone else driving for them, so the customer is expected to sit in the backseat normally. Having the controls there just makes sense from that perspective.

Now I want to see Archer as a caped vigilante crime fighter. He’s got the butler, he’s got the gadgets, seems like a natural fit.

I once worked at a place that had all high-tech looking stainless steel like that. It was an INCREDIBLE pain to clean, and smudged horribly at the slightest brush.

We definitely need to figure out as a society how to address the problem (which essentially means via the government, because that’s the primary method we have for addressing problems that are society-wide).

I guess it’s just unreasonable to expect that someone should be able to earn enough at an occupation to survive.

Yes - it’s not like she was going to interview some torture porn enthusiast and agreeing to be strapped into his death chair or something ridiculous like that. There doesn’t appear to have been any reason to suspect something was wrong, or to anticipate that this guy was a nutjob that was going to murder her. She

Yes. This whole thing just reeks of it. The more we learn the more stomach-churning it seems.

It’s from the anime Shimoneta - and it’s pretty much full of dirty jokes, gestures, and so on. That gif is just scratching the surface. It’s not porn, though, amusingly enough.

Short version: Racism.

I like the way it looks. Mind you, it doesn’t look $60k good, but...

Pro Forced-birth is another good one.

Well if I/my mistress/etc didn’t have one, it would have ruined my/her/etc life, so that makes it different. /s

It’s not surprising at all. Do you really think the rich a**holes backing the Republicans are worried about whether they can get abortions if they need them? Of course not, they’ll just fly to Canada or somewhere, because it’s not a problem for them.

As I asked in the original comment thread and he answered, it’s an estimation of when the second or later owner gets it, but before it passes into full on ‘classic’ status, under the theory that the first owner is less likely to drive it stupidly compared to the people buying it for cheap power. And thus, it updates

As George Carlin put it:

Yes. At its core, it’s about social control and putting ‘those sluts’ back in their place. It’s about making sex shameful again, about being forced to get married if you get pregnant, etc etc.

None of them are car enthusiasts (sadly), and tend to see cars as a point a to point b thing. So, yeah, pretty sure.

My coworkers all drive minivans or SUVs pretty much. I’m not worried so much about their mockery, since I can leave all of them in the dust. :)

Caller: “My neighbor turned me into a newt.”

Makes sense to me!