Alt Headline: Sydney Leathers Running Out of Corpses to Fuck, Reminds Readers that She's Still a Shitty Human, Goes Back to Fucking Same Old Corpse,
Alt Headline: Sydney Leathers Running Out of Corpses to Fuck, Reminds Readers that She's Still a Shitty Human, Goes Back to Fucking Same Old Corpse,
All UnderArmour wearers think you should have edited this down a bit.
more culture than probably anywhere in the country other than NYC
What kind of sick fuck names his kid Skyler?
+1 for name
Had to tap out at 1:57.
This was the first one I'd seen this year. Thought everyone had finally caught on. Glad to see it hasn't quite run its course.
Sort of hard to take the police's side into account when they wait four days to release any information. Also it's damn near impossible for journalists to do their job when the police they are reporting on keep arresting them without cause or charges.
There are 21 responses to OP calling him or her a shitbag, every one of them more inflammatory than your response, and yet, none with reply. That's one way you could tell I'm not OP. The other way you could know this is because what you suggested is MOTHERFUCKING INSANE. How paranoid are you? I think you are taking…
Hey, here's something for you to do instead of jumping to insult: try using fucking context and common sense when you interact with other grown ups. See, here's how a convo works in the modern age, pops: we all have a base level of intelligence (because of this box you keep mashing on with your food-grabbers), and…
Ok just to be clear, no one believes that all cops are sociopaths. OP was using hyperbole, and everyone but you seems to understand this. It takes a particularly sensitive shill to go to such lengths arguing the blatantly obvious. The point that is lost on you is that you keep recommending individuals who belong to…
No, given that it's the aftermath of 9/11- Homeland Security and the resulting militarization of local police forces- which contributes to the present day police conduct, and given that this is a story about the kind of police brutality that has seen a spike since 9/11 in an effort to "thwart domestic threats", and…
[redacted: tired of arguing with dipshits]
Right, and then when I used a more salient, recent string of examples to refute the emotionally charged picture you painted- "carried people out of the collapsing buildings only to return into the fire again and again until they succumbed" (are you serious with that heavy handed garbage?)- you dismissed me as being a…
Let me get this straight: you can make generalized appeals to emotion based on a singular event that happened 15 years ago but anyone else who does so based on events that happened last week and the week before and the week before and the week before is being disingenuous? Sounds legit.
Oh you mean the same PD that just strangled a dude on the street and routinely implements bullshit Stop & Frisk laws on POC?
I'm pretty sure he's considered NFL royalty in most related circles.
I mean, you guys piling on realize you're defending a sport that treats Jon Gruden like some kind of mental giant, right? I don't have a dog in this fight, but Jon Gruden orders sirloin steaks medium well and then eats them in front of God and everybody else like there was nothing at all wrong with ordering a goddamn…
You are aware of it's actual "adult meaning" right?
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