
Murray Gold. Next.

Of all the things to bitch about, this has to be one of the most reaching. It’s like saying the latest Tom Hanks movie sucks simply because he didn’t pee in it.

Amazing Stories, 21 Inch Sun, “Lucy”

is it possible a future Ezra always saves Ahsoka in that moment after her fight with Vader? But if that’s the case, where did she go after that moment?

And just like Tom Hanks who pees in every movie, or Tom Cruise who is contractually obligated to run, Liam cries in most of his 90s films.

Did Robot eat a Cylon?

Looks Swedish.

“Cervical and dick cancer”


As an aside, the S in SEO stands for Snake-Oil.

This is some comic book villain-origin shit right here.

Is anyone else disappointed we went a whole episode with no one saying “Getting to know Hugh”.


Yes, I considered using gravitas, but then I couldn’t have punctuated use of the word logic when I already committed to the “is and always shall be” reference.

Quinto is and always shall be inferior to Nimoy because he doesn’t possess the voice of authority and logic.

I miss Christophe Beck’s soundtrack but otherwise amazing.

It means it was written by a true Scotsman.

How is Leia a Princess again? First, let’s assume royalty works the same way on Alderaan that it does on Earth. She is an adopted daughter of the Organas. That alone seems to kill any bloodline royalty. Padme was a Queen on Naboo. Does Naboo royalty extend to other planets? Seems weird, but even if you accept that,

I want to see the Kessel Run as much as I want to see Han picking out his vest from the Corellian mall. When you talk with your parents about things they did before you were born, enjoy the story, not demand they get their friends together and re-enact for you.