
Look you insufferable dimwit, they’re reusing models and animations from the last two generations, so the majority of the work is already done. They’re upset that the fans are finally demanding some level of standards be upheld, and you are BEGGING for them to do a bad job.

The animations that are already there and just need to get ported over?

Well, I don't see black people releasing statements telling people not to use the word "slave"

My friend, I used to rock climb and do parkour. That takes a little bit of insanity.

You can at least try to reply to their points instead of crying about how your really, really bad opinion (which you placed on a public forum for judgment) is being negatively judged.

Links arm is probably going to be the new slate. There's a theory that the green energy is spirit energy, as it matches with the colors used with the green flames around spirits and the Champions Skills, and so Link is going to be gaining new powers from fallen heroes/bosses and using them through his arm.

The problem with cooking is that it’s terrible and poorly explained.

In retrospect, upgrading them at the Great Fairies is really, really obvious. Those ladies already demand ridiculous amounts of stuff for upgrades...

If there was ever a game that could be saved by a remaster, it’s Alpha Protocol. It’s like someone made a Deus Ex fan game and released it way too early. Redo the animations (all of them. ALL OF THEM), rebalance some of the guns and skills, fix enemy AI and spawning, TURN UP THE RADIO.

Yeah stealth build was super fun

That is completely irrelevant to what I’m stating. What’s the point you’re even trying to make?

Very low. This is allegedly a Permanent policy change that will affect all games going forward.

Yeah how dare someone care about something they’re emotionally invested in.

They reuse models. Not an excuse

Uh ok?

Maybe instead of being a condescending dingdong, you pretend to actually care about the matter at hand?

Thats literally fact. They also use the same models in Pokemon Go. Look it up.

Every pokemon, except the new ones, are reusing the models from the 3DS ones.

Because their justification is bullshit, and a huge feature of the games has been having your “bro” pokemon in game, even if it’s in the post game.

I know people who bought a beachside house in Florida. It’s on stilts because the land is flooded during high tide. Also, red tide. They unironically love it.