There are five major problems with putting a telescope on the Moon, other than the “adding a massive lander to your budget” part.
There are five major problems with putting a telescope on the Moon, other than the “adding a massive lander to your budget” part.
The only reason Three Body Problem got on the list was that a puppy nominee nobly withdrew his own novel from consideration. It was not on either the Sad or Rabid Puppies’ slates. Vox Day retroactively endorsed it, essentially saying that he had forgotten about it and that’s the reason it wasn’t on the list(betraying…
WHAT is your name?
I like dandelions, they bring colour and fun to a boring green wasteland.
Josh Trank? Is that you?
Wasn’t 1800s California dystopian enough as is?
Certainly it’s possible to have a toff who is also a football hooligan - you need only consider the classic example of Sir Francis Drake. He was, as the appellation ‘Sir’ indicates, a knight, ergo a toff. He was also a noted football hooligan, and many were the times that Sir Francis would board a ship, sabre in hand,…
God, I love the internet.
So, by a return to form, you mean that THE CRAZY TWIST in The Visit won’t be obvious within the first 5 minutes of the movie?
Yeah. I never ever ever lean back. Wouldn’t want someone to do it to me, so I don’t do it to them.
This is the best car posted here. Hands down. Needs to be dirtier, though.
I wear this t-shirt at all family gatherings short of weddings and funerals:
I think I’m older than most here (43) so here goes:
I bet most of these people griping about this haven’t given one red cent to PBS. Public Television has to get its money from somewhere— there is actually no such thing as ‘free’ media. A nine month delay is absolutely no big deal, and CTW getting the funding to produce more shows is a great thing.
Well, it sucks that I’m late to the party, because I’m one of the few proud Spyder owners around these parts, i.e. unlike most of you fakers, I actually know what the hell I’m talking about.
Stop...Assess...React...Drop Mic! #Dadoftheyear
Serious props for pausing to think before acting AND remembering to grab hold of his kid.
I’d play that, I still remember the loadout I had when I stopped playing. Godly Plate of the Whale!!