Moist Platypus


I have availed myself of Christmas cheer

What y’all don’t understand is, even a frisbee with a flashlight duct-taped to it is a Unidentified Flying Object if you don’t know it’s a frisbee with a flashlight duct-taped to it.

Diddy Kong is playable.

Water Sports.. I see what you did there.

You would think that Wilpon would have a better understanding of “unsustainable” economic models by now.

Because the Mon Cal cruiser was massive and expensive. And it simply disabled Snoke’s dreadnought for a time. Missiles are effective because they go fast, but consider the speed of the cruiser to what it might have done at sublight... it actually only did, what, two or three times its possible sublight damage, plus

That chocobo with four legs continues to put me ill at ease.

Off screen, receiving his medal for valorous service to the Rebellion.

no in the bad timeline pikachu is stripped of his detective license and deported

starred all your posts to remind you of your mistakes

My Reaction to the news:

I take it you’re not in the US if the Switch costs $400 where you live.

Who the hell has time to microscopically examine articles for stuff like this?

Dense, maybe you don’t realize this, but you’re just kind of an asshole who likes hearing yourself talk, and most of what you say is rambling and only marginally coherent, as well as childish and dickish towards others. Like, even on topics where we clearly agree, you manage to find a way to be an insulting dickhead.


Yeah, I’ve actually changed the headline from ‘Downsized’ to ‘Scaled Down’ to make it clear that people were moved, not laid off.