Moist Platypus

D.B. Pooper

His Gallup approval rating.

Serious question: does anyone really have a real, genuine problem with the way Rogue One ended? I mean, these guys had to die, and for the same reasons that Filoni just gave for (SPOILERS)

Christina’s just trying to take up less space on the web.

Voted against pi day, or truly honored it by being irrational?

Oh good. I was really wondering what was going on with the next Smurfs movie.

I read that as tornadoe and was very disappointed at the end

Sometimes we like to let the commenters make our jokes for us.

That’s the proper reaction...however, that’s not how the majority will view it after finding out through the lens of (enter politically slanted cable news channel here). Frankly, unless the leak shows that this stuff is used on U.S. citizens without warrant, then I love hearing about all the black ops shit the U.S.

The President, as long as the leaks benefit him politically and have been verified by Brietbart.

Is there anybody that takes WikiLeaks seriously anymore?

Didn’t expect to see so many people sticking up for the police on this one. The Punisher doesn’t care about the law. He cares about revenge and murdering criminals. There’s never any evidence, trial by peers, judge or anything similiar involved with the Punisher. If Frank Castle were a real human, having murdered

Your response alone is justification enough for this joke. It appears to have landed precisely on target.

Huh. Cool. Now we know.

As long as President Trump keeps leaving messes, yes, you will continue to see this kind of coverage.

Psht. There’s only one Flash.