Moist Platypus

Sign and dance?!?! Is it a musical where all speach is performef in signlanguage???

I cant believe inever thouhght of this. Thank you for the thought drop... I now want to go back to study the scenes with him.

Its a no/yes answer to be honest.

Its an article on a tv spot...

Whelp that will be stuck in my head for awhile....

This made me laugh. I couldn’t stop reading?.. i wanted more analogies!

So much for my response to the article...

One ring to rule them all....

You forgot the when you have no skill part

Insert thumb wars joke i attached to main thread here

I have a question...

I was curious but was not sure, thanks for clarification *shudder*

I wash US bills more often than I can count. Never had one damaged or not accepted, even by vending machines and whatnot

Pacific Rim is calling...

If james Gunn does not make that happen as a shirt.........

Likely music licensing issues. Lots of old tracks that would likely need a new license to stream (since that was not really a major thing back then).

Fart app reporting for doodie


but do you like fish sticks in your mouth?

Well... One is black one is orange...