Moist Platypus

Morgan Freeman please

To lazy to find it but it already exists

Could not help this =D

I work in the industry

Rocket League

I think XKCD said it best:

Working in the game industry.. THIS...

well played good sir/madam, well played

But the real question is, can they take on.....

Finn was in white...

Thank you, that made my day :)

Grats on ungrey!

I HATED this roof fight... I did not take quite as many attempts, but my controller is lucky i have a blanket to toss it into

Some of this is makes more sense than what our overly baked potato says.

Poor Krylo Ren just wanted to see daddy

At least rogue like games put in more effort than you did using ctrl+c & ctrl+v for six numbers to express a large value.

Listened to embedded tracks......