Moist Platypus

But he needs his cheese......

Reddit in vr form

Thank you so much, these are some really great shots! =)

Well, there goes their hearing...

+1 for Warcraft Adventures.

If you happen to find them i would, love stuff like this. And to think my love of planes all started with the SR-71...

You are correct, sweating isnt in the same league =)


Am i the only one who thought darth vader was on the pipes sholder for a second

I fully agree. It is definitly a breath of fresh air in comic tv as everything has gone dark, even the flash.

A lot of reviewers seemed to dislike it, but most people i have talked to (myself included) really enjoyed it, as well as the show

skimming the title, i thought that is what it said

Assassins Creed: Tomb Raider

The funny part is i was talking about the commercial. I dont own one, might get one, but could not stop laughing during the commercial.

i love me some squatty potty! For those interested:

I lold

Its a Dragoon from StarCraft!

Its A New Hope not Star Wars =)
