Moist Platypus

I am most upset it was called the star wars bar in the museum article quoted text

My only thought is there are so many scenes that you don't need it for, do you want to wear them even then?

Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?!

I have Life on both my phone and tablet. Especially in a long line with friends, you don't mind as much!

NBC can die in a fire for taking this down

Move to a better area?

I really hope this pans out. Elon Musk has forced other companies to innovate and improve the transportation industry. I beyond hope this happens and gets used!

I believe the reason she was ejected from Griffith was because she had a male visitor, not female =)

I don't think 100 miles is a big deal in space?

From what I understand most ddos attacks come from computers located all over the world that have some kind of virus/malware that got on it. If this is the case then that would not help :(

I believe you are missing a word in the title =) shouldn't there be a go in there?

Gawker network, please get editors... the first line of the last paragraph is a bit off...

The winter soldier threw one of those sticky mines under the car from the crowd and casually walked away.

random question, do you know where that wallpaper comes from?

I have so much sympathy the injured, but in a terrible way, I am glad something like this happened (although to the person who came up with this idea).

I don't trust metro 2033, just look at it...

I don't trust metro 2033, just look at it...

I would like to add di.fm to this list. I don't have the details but a lot of people use their service!

Mass effect 2 trailer.

this needs to not be grey.....