
It looks like most lenders are going to offer some form of forbearance but let’s be honest, most American families are overleveraged and two weeks of lost income can spell disaster. I, just like everyone else have never seen anything like this. I actually got a little emotional driving to work this morning. My major

I’m sure the effects of the outbreak vary from market to market but our sales in just fixed ops are down ~40% across 12 stores. We’ll weather the storm because ownership has wisely built up cash reserves and kept debt to a minimum. I have to disagree with smaller groups being bought out by the industry giants is a

I hope you’re right but unfortunately dealers don’t have a “couple million in inventory”. The stock units are still the property of the floorplan financier ie. the bank. If a dealer stops making floorplan payments the same thing happens if you stop making car payments... they get repo’d. This was going to be a bad

I 100% agree and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. There is simply no cure for stupidity.

I cannot give you enough stars. Steven Mnuchin is the LAST person to care about the “poors”. When he ran OneWest he and his company illegally foreclosed on thousands of homeowners. He had an agreement with the FDIC to share losses so magically some performing loans were suddenly in default. The ONLY reason the Trump

Awesome post. Did not know the history of those crash barriers. Written in blood indeed.

David, you’re fired. Now go wrench on your Golden Eagle!

Believe it or not the Defender is actually very stout. It should be as they are glorified tractors. I had a NAS 110 and both the chassis and the 3.9 V8 were reliable and easy to wrench on. Slow... but it would get you there. I would love to get my hands on a South African spec Defender with the BMW M52 straight-six.

Yeah, so there’s that...

Yeah, it’s David’s next project...

The media uses every euphemism for lying that they can:

He’s lying. The President of the United States is a pathological liar. There I said it. He has managed to lie about almost everything his entire life with zero consequences. Those of us who has lived in the ‘real world’ (not reality TV) have always known that he’s a fraud.

I believe the ONLY civilized choice is rear-facing. There is no other answer.

If there was ever a vehicle that belonged in the Cars universe... it’s the Dyna. Look at that mug.

This is awesome to see how the engineering team packaged the new Corvette. I'm sure they'll manage to get more interior room in the next generation. I'm just happy GM had the guts to finally switch to a mid-engine platform.

The worst part is that if you pick the right dealer you can get even more than $19k off MSRP. Some Cadillac dealers are sitting on an insane amount of inventory. They'll sell though... eventually.

Now that's funny. I'd love it if the camera caught us outside.

Meh. It’s been done better. I initially thought this one was a photoshopped but they actually built it for SEMA.

I think you’re on point. If Ford gets the Bronco right it will be a blockbuster hit. It needs to be seriously capable out of the box and have class-leading on road comfort. I loved my Wrangler in college and I only sold it because I couldn’t keep two cars. The IS350 was just a better commuter car. I want the new