
My thoughts exactly. I read through all the comments looking for all the “yeah, but...” comments in the hopes I’d save myself some cash today.

When these were new, I vividly remember thinking - God, I sure hope this blob-wedge shape isn’t the future of car design...

The car or the girlfriend? Maybe both.

I know. If only it was attainable for us mere mortals.

I’ve always liked the idea of a street-legal 4-wheeler. And no I don’t care about the “learn to ride a motorcycle or get a convertible” argument, because I own both a motorcycle and a convertible that I drive regularly already - I just happen to like ALL fun things with engines!

My ideal would be something a bit lower

Umm...did you watch the trailer? It clearly states that when she gets a certain distance from him, THAT is when people near him die.

I consider myself to be unnecessarily cynical most of the time, but jeeeeeze some of these comments are ridiculous. God forbid someone make a little novelty balloon vase. How dare they.

Ok, Cuba. Sure. Will do.

Any idea how these specific 20,000 American Nazis were treated soon after - you know...when the war started?

I did the Steam Link wired to router, host PC streaming via WiFi route.

I could manage to play a few - very minimal demand - games, but anything that required low-latency or decent graphics was completely unplayable.

I got the Steam Link as a (requested) gift a few months back. No combination of configurations made anything even remotely playable. I was very disappointed in the performance - since I initially had such high hopes for the Link.

I’ve seen a few cool “mechanical” dice towers. Here’s one that comes to mind.

I’ve seen a few cool “mechanical” dice towers. Here’s one that comes to mind.

How rich do I have to be to justify getting one? I’m guessing richer than I am currently...but damn, I’m trying to rationalize it any way I can.