
Robot Lincoln has seen some shit.

What’s up with the aggressive back-pat he gives that guy in the wedding crasher video?

Growing up, this was my favorite entry in the “Guinness Book of World Records” that I’d always look at in the library.

XBox One - Short name ‘Xbone’

Are there continued story-lines from the modding community? I loved the game, but found it hard to continue once I finished the story mode.

I believe it was a joint effort between Kidman and Brendan Fraser.

Used to be the oldest person ever. Now she was the oldest person ever.

I get a strong G8 vibe from the side.

What’s the current consensus on Munchkin?

Not sure what’s wrong with my eyes, but in that gif - once they show the guy standing up and taking out his earbuds - it STILL looks like a video game to me. Something about the textures and the movements has a real uncanny valley thing going on.

It’s truly weirding me out.

I often dream about opening up a “beercade.”

Headquarters in Chicago was always a blast anytime I went.

From now on, Photoshopped images shall be referred to as “Alternative Photos.” 

He really got going at about 0:13. Here I was enjoying the show, then I thought I might witness some Tesla carnage.

On an unrelated note, is that Witcher 3 on PS4?

Now playing

Oh man. I just remembered one of the worst examples of this.

Now playing

How about that new commercial for Gatorade bars where they all sing a sing with their G-D MOUTHS FULL OF FOOD.

I may sound like a grinch, but anytime I arrange a work meeting, there is a very strict ‘no eating’ clause.

That means 6 more weeks of winter, right?

I was reading through these comments this morning, saw yours and had a rush of excitement thinking you might have referenced M&B 2.

I can’t wait for that to be released and take over my life for the foreseeable future.