
If you haven’t graced your taste buds with the glory that is an Auntie Anne’s pretzel dog...I highly recommend it.

I always knew Uranus was big, but daaaaaaaamn.

Good luck sleeping.

Google image searches “Krokodile”
Comes back to Jalopnik to yell at SOCdriver for suggesting it
Sees suggestion to Google Lemon Party
Rinse and repeat

Is there any reason to shy away from it based on being an early release? I’m always a bit wary, though I realize that’s almost becoming the norm on steam.

Has there been or will there be any additional “scenarios” for Factorio that you’ve heard of? I played through it with a fervor but once it releases you into the “do what you want” portion, I couldn’t stay as motivated.

I think at that point, no one - not even you - are driving your car. Simply riding inside.


Starred for fricassee.

So if this works both ways as you claim, all we have to do is reverse the power and get unlimited tools?

I was looking for anything that stood the test of time as well.

That ain’t grammer. That’s just clock lernin’ 101.

That’s one of my favorite things about the GTA games. Unfolding that giant map always gives me the ‘stalgias for the printed manuals of old games.

Looking back on things, I wish I would have taken a route in life that led to this type of work. Always so fascinating and beautiful to me.

Please, nobody read this story. It’s an absolute waste of your time.

Wasn’t that tape measure showing centimeters?

Holy shit, fuck that video. I just want to see the damn thing operate!

I wonder who’s driveway that is.