
Because, winter has come.

I don’t know about eye contact and all that garbage, but I’m pretty sure the girl in the video is super into me.

Can we please just call this what it is? Clear and simple cheating. This woman was force feeding him the whole time.

It too, like the moon landing, was fake. Sorry pal.

Had to re-read your sentence three times because the first two readings went “...punching moon turtles in the face.”

Says the “crisis blog comment poster.”

As Capt. Picard so rightfully noted, you’re wrong. They DO NOT get a free pass, no matter what. That’s an insane form of logic you’re practicing and doesn’t work in the real world.

I get what you’re saying, but semis don’t get some sort of free-pass just because they’re semis.

Sounds like somebody’s in the pocket of big nougat.

Damn, this sounds like an absolute dream job.

That’s where babies come from.

How many of the partially finished dolls do yah think the “night janitor” at this place has...ahem...broken in?

1. Regular Mouth
2. Gary Busey Mouth

It’s hard to understand the intricacies of pound-town when you’re just playing a game of leap-frog in your magic underwear.

So what you’re saying is, we need a contraption with multiple ports, inputs, and outputs that these mount into for a thorough hands-off washing?

That’s what I call it while making the sexy time. “Yeah baby, Imma give you the hydraulic press treatment.”

Check out this Egyptian tomb honey.

If anyone wants to chip-in the extra...say....$40K, I’ll daily drive this thing and document every single minute of it in the name of research.

That reminds me, I met this girl today who had some fine-ass hair.

Believe me, we could use a few less dummies in this world.