
It’s kind of hilarious that the people who brought you Freedom Fries chose a French word for their platform’s name.

The implosion of Mixer gave Twitch the confidence to exert its dominance.

better late than never.

Oh man, I couldn’t stand the Drizzt books when I was a teen. The battles never had an ounce of suspense, and the heroes never faltered. I was high on my own love for the Dragonlance novels instead.

Yet after a re-read of the Dragonlance “Chronicles” trilogy about three years ago... yikes. I should have maybe toned it

Are you seriously going to read those TSR books!? You’re braver than I thought.

Due process applies to governments, not private companies.

This is shocking. As paragons of their community, I’m dismayed to hear that an officer of the law failed to set an example that could positively impact the health and well-being of people they swear oath to protect.

I don’t disagree with your point about Twitch’s history of favoring top streamers making them a bit suspect as the “agent of change” here. But the response to them going to light on top streamers is to press them to be more strict with those top streamers, not to throw up your hands and say “Well, if they’re not

Twitch isn’t a court of law dealing out criminal penalties like jail time; they don’t need proof beyond a reasonable doubt. In civil court (in the US, at least), the standard is “a preponderance of evidence”, which basically means “is it more likely than not that the claim is true?” or “is it more that 50% likely the

It is really hard to explain to people who were not alive yet what the summer of 1989 was like. The Batman logo was on everything. The old Adam West show was on one channel or another nearly constantly. Every mall and auto dealership was hiring a guy in a Batman costume to sign autographs for kids to get parents in.

You, sir, made the right call. Dead Poet Society is even more overrated than Batman, and teen makeouts are nothing to fondly remember. 

Superman: The Movie had been a huge hit a decade earlier, but the ensuing sequels had been progressively crappier and less successful”

But are they smart dumbbells, smart resistance bands, smart bench and smart pull up bar? How would a cognitive human operator of these items ever figure them out if the item is not telling them for a monthly fee?

It’s so mind-boggling the amount of money people are willing to spend on fitness equipment these days. You can literally get the exact same workouts with a few adjustable dumbbells, resistance bands, a bench, and a door pull up bar for less than $1,000...and...FREE WORKOUT VIDEOS ON THE YOUTUBES DURP DURP...but nah,

My employees at a previous job kept arguing about where they wanted to go for our annual end-of-the-fiscal-year outing, so I told them to make up their damn minds or that’s where we’d end up going. I made good on the threat. Place was packed with kids, and in the middle there’s a table with a bunch of embarrassed

My memory of this (aged 26, and a big comic fan) was incredible excitement followed by huge disappointment. Messy action, the plot MIA, and Keaton never convinced me (although you could blame the costume, which was plainly as restrictive as hell).

First generation immigrant, here. We went to Chuck E. Cheese exactly once, I recall, when I was under 10. But we went to the Sizzler many, many times. My gauche, meretricious first tastes of Mass Americana are dying, I tells ya! What’s next--Radio Shack?!

Nazi Bronies have been a thing since there were Bronies. They’ve always been there. Generally, Bronies lean right, socially and politically. No one’s sure why, but I think it’s a Quisling-esque drive to associate themselves culturally and politically with the big, tough, masculine men who bullied them as children. 

Aw come on now, that’s like making fun of someone’s baby photos.