$120 a month, plus a free Nexus 7? Crap. Time to move to KC.
$120 a month, plus a free Nexus 7? Crap. Time to move to KC.
Johnny no disassemble!
Wasn't this the setup for Highlander 2?
Very cool - they've had this in the habitat since it opened but I've never seen it actually in use. To be fair to BG the trainers and staff appear to be genuinely interested in keeping the tigers active and engaged, moreso than most other zoos I've been to.
I don't like it either.
Ugh - not loving this at all. I really preferred the ability to scroll through all the comments on an article quickly. Clicking on each individual comment thread to see all the discussions makes it needlessly time-consuming and overly-complicated. I'm much less likely to comment now than I did before. More…
New Atomic Robo? Sign me up!
I'm going back to school, getting a math/science degree, going through teaching certification, and applying to the nearest high school just so that on the first day of school I can walk in, turn around slowly, and intone (in my best sing-song voice).
I've always wanted more of Maleficent - her backstory, her motivations, the origins of her powers - it has always felt to me that there was unexplored material there.
If they make shells based on the "Original Taco Flavor" chips will it create a taco-shaped wormhole that will destroy all reality?
Don't. Blink.
It will, in fact, make you sweat.
I wonder how much xanthan gum you'd need in the standard home-popsicle recipe. I actually have some at home that I use to stabilize homemade frappucinos.
It's a shame about Ray.
I came for the Thundercats. I stayed for the topless zombie gladiator soccer mom.
Stop confusing the issue with facts and logic.
"The softer material becomes plastic under the tremendous pressure and hardness of the bit."
But if they're orbiting, then the planet has to still be there. If it actually vanished, they'd be flung violently out into space.
I would pay good money to touch this man's balls.
His balls are beautiful, though. I'll give him that.