Adrian Avelar

Admittedly, I wasn’t much of a fan of his, but he seems like a good guy and it’s a bummer all his injuries led to this. Definitely a rough go.

I think their only hope of matching the box office of Far From Home is another clash between Spider-Man and Venom. And being good, of course.

Mark Hughes on Forbes was talking about this. That, in the end, it might not matter anyway since Sony Pictures may have to be jettisoned at some point.

I loved that initial backstory of Boba Fett as Jaster Mereel. He was so cool to me.

I’d prefer a happy middle, or the MCU’s way. You’ve detailed one valid extreme, but the Raimi films were the other, where he seemed to be too close to his villains.

I’d rather work under Feige’s track record with comic book films than Tim Rothman’s, but hey, that’s just me ...

I hope so. For his sake.

Agreed on that last paragraph. I loved me some Logan, for example, but that doesn’t make me forget about Last Stand, Origins, Apocalypse, Dark Phoenix, and so on. 

A friend of mine still hasn’t seen it, but wants to, so this is as good excuse as any. Granted, I never need much of an excuse for more Holland Spidey.

Is it worse knowing that it seems Marvel Studios opted for SDCC at the last minute? At least, it felt that way to me and they still rocked the house.

Never tried it, myself, but do you still know you’re doing cocaine if you’ve already done a lot of it?

I forgot what analyst it was, but I remember people comparing CP3 with Kobe, how demanding and no-nonsense they both were. “Mamba Mentality.”

I’ll go. I want to see it on the big screen again. I don’t really care about the extras. I just want to see it then follow it up with Spidey next week.

I agree with this for the most part, but as surprised as I was, I have to admit that they did do right with Into the Spider-Verse, even if I like it more than love it.

I’m not surprised at all. And when I read Feige’s quote about Sony’s Venom and joint Spider-Man crossing paths I read it as him being less than enthused.

Rumors are that teams are calling for that #4 so they may not be done just yet.

Warriors in 5.

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

It’s a meh from me.