Adrian Avelar

Eh. It’ll never be my favorite, but I enjoyed a lot of it.

Are you sure you’re not just mentally factoring in the cost for emotional damage and/or distress?

I can’t say whether it would work or not, but I do prefer Star Wars not being like the MCU, as in a mostly great, very expensive TV series with connected spinoffs.

Vanity Fair’s Falcon cockpit shots are always a highlight for me.

So, Jon is the King Beyond the Wall, right?

If I’m just hoping, then 8 to 10 seasons, 10 to 12 episodes each. To differentiate, they’d probably go more faithful to the books, for better or worse.


I can't explain why, but I just highly doubt that will happen. But you never know. 

( raises hand. )

So is it just trolling, then? People, not just you, looking for a “fight?” I only get a comment in a day, if that, so I’m not as well-versed.

I don’t get it. Why are you so condescending and belittling with the name calling and the happy faces and winks? Not sure that’s necessary in debate.

You loathe Last Jedi. I do not. Seems simple enough to me.

Jesus. What’s with the hostility?

Eh. I like Last Jedi, so from that perspective, it could definitely be worse.

Meh. I’d rather see what Johnson could do with his own separate trilogy, but whatever. It’s not like I’m not going to be there for D&D’s first one, at least.

Wait ‘til they see those old quotes of his about Return of the Jedi!

Does anyone else here think that Dany’s descent into the Mad Queen was in character, or the sads had at least been planted, but still think it was executed poorly?

Which is too bad, really, because you can tell the actor is just so excited and happy to be there in interviews and the like.

I think some gap is good. While I have enjoyed all of Disney’s output to one extent or another, I do wish they’d been spaced out and planned a little better. I think three-ish years apart like for the previous six films would’ve helped, even if I’m enjoying myself.

Personally, I don’t think so. It’s less troublesome for actors and directors to front, or at least participate in multiple, enormous franchises nowadays.