Adrian Avelar

What popped into my head was that they go out to look at the Wall once Tormund told them that their section has been destroyed.

Would Samsung’s QLED be better then? In terms of avoiding burn-in?

Would Samsung’s QLED be better then? In terms of avoiding burn-in?

And that’s about the gist of it.

Garbage, you say? Interesting.

“I’m not new to this, I’m true to this” is my favorite part.

If I’m the Pelicans, I do exactly that. I’d shut him down since he’s in the middle of an injury anyway, and wait ‘til July when Boston can get into the trade mix.

Yes. The way people got excited about this late last year, I was surprised to find out Davis was signed for another year, which made all the talk about trading for him just ridiculous. Almost like the media were desperate for the LeBron to be relevant.

The debate will wage on for years, I’m sure. From a certain point of view (mine), I thought Luke did some of the most true Jedi stuff ever in Last Jedi.

So, Warriors in 6, then?

I’m a Lakers fan and even I’m already tired of it. The Davis stuff, especially. Whether he asks or not, Pelicans can wait ‘til February 2020 to do something.

Imagine being so good that everyone is talking about your inevitable decline and/or your chemistry issues while you’re currently no. 1 in the Western Conference.

There’s nothing to admit. The fanbase has been splintered, if only partially, since Return of the Jedi. Then it got wider with the prequels, which people still debate.

Grow up, buddy.

We still have Tom Hanks?

I’m confused. Saints played on Thanksgiving, too.
It’s late. Maybe I just read it wrong.

We don’t need 99% of the films we watch, whether we like them or not. So that’s just a tired argument to me at this point.

Ending with a third consecutive championship at the end of next June probably isn’t the worst way to go out, though.

Is anyone else getting the sense that this is just going to do the opposite of what everyone wants? That they’re just going to go off on teams the rest of the season?

Ugh, I wish!

Since when were all Mandalorians the same? Or are you confusing them with the clones of Jango Fett?