
I’ve never understood these “shows of strength” aka dick swinging acts. War, to me, is just plain ass weird. Let’s see how much land we can destroy and how many people we can kill to win.

The “They’re all the same” POV is just lazy policy. Yes, Clinton has her Wall Street ties, but she also knew throttle control. Trump is like Daffy Duck in the treasure cave: down down down! Go go go! Mine mine Mine!

His action are very characteristic for old men in power. Nothing new. This is not dementia (come on, if there was even a vague possibility of a medical excuse, you think his lawyers wouldn’t be using that to keep him out of jail, ffs?).


THIS, perhaps more than any of the other terrible shit, is the most rage-inducing aspect of this admin. The Republicans are doing irreversible damage to our beautiful country and our health. They are destroying our heritage and our planet for short term gain which will benefit so few and harm vast numbers of living

they’re not going to breathe the same air and drink the same water that we do?

not politics, but still barf:

That text message is why old people should stay away from smart phones.

My daughter has ADHD and I can sympathize, greatly. One thing to note is that there’s a very, very, small percentage of theatres that offer captioning. Being able to both see and hear still gives you the upper hand here. It’s not a pissing contest, but really, look at what you’re saying. The guides for movies have a

Ableism, and it covers the entire spectrum from deafness to someone in chronic pain who is afraid to go out because they might be bumped or jostled. People are selfish, and they grow up with TV as their guide-to-reality, where everyone is beautiful, moneyed, and can do 50 crunches no problem. Oh yes, and they see and

Late to the party, but fuck my donkey! (Clint Howard quote from a terrible Uwe Boll movie).

I want to say the shitty comments surprise me, but sadly, they don’t. I spent many years focusing on accessibility/Section 508 issues for websites and software. People without accessibility needs generally don’t get it. (The real pisser is they seem to understand blindness as a need, but not necessarily hearing

No one is ACTING like you’re huge pieces of shit, we’re telling you that yes, that attitude and entitled insistence on YOUR able-bodied preferences DO make you a piece of shit. Be a better human, be a bit more cautious when sharing your asshole-tendencies/preferences, or be prepared for people to call you out on it. :)

Holy shit, there really are too many assholes commenting on this page. I’m not HoH and I just don’t see what the big deal is with adding CC in to ANY showing, not just CC-advertised ones.


I am so sorry. I once worked at call centers and can confirm that many coworkers would hang up when getting an assisted call, even though if they were caught it meant a reprimand or a “point.” I never thought that was harsh enough. It’s your fucking job - DO IT. I like assisted calls - it made me feel like I was

I’m so sorry. I can’t believe what I’m reading either. How dare 18 people try to do a normal thing without letting every stranger know hours in advance! The good, charitable theater folks really can’t be expected to have to exert minor effort to accommodate people who are keeping them in business like all the other

I cannot believe some of these asshole comments on Jez. I’m sorry you have to see these and I’m sorry we live in a world where people can still be so openly discriminatory against disabled people and feel comfortable doing so.

I’m hearing, but I grew up around a few deaf people and with an appreciation for deaf culture. I also worked at a company that actively recruited and hired from the deaf community, and there I learned basic to intermediate sign language and also how to use a variety of adaptive assistance devices. I also so firsthand

I feel your pain. I’m Deaf and am reminded on a daily basis how the hearing world thinks so little of those with hearing loss. I just cannot understand how people can react so strongly to captioning when the purpose of it is to allow accessibility to those who cannot hear. Like, dude, it HELPS people. It’s not there