
old guys represent.

Pretty sure we've all met up with a light post/fence post/ditch/curb/rock/hard place once in our lives. The key is to buy something that can take abuse (Mustang. Eats curbs for breakfast)

Gotta have some responsibility to your hooning, right? Nice to know there's someone out there who hasn't "outgrown" their habits, just matured them.

Good to see the new WRXs can also pull off the dirty and wrecked looked like their predecessors.

Wow, and I only saw my first STI in the wild on Sunday.

Personally I prefer Kartboy's shifter (and bushings).

No I agree with you! I think the overall construction was poor. I have a feeling there is a mountain of deleted material that would have greatly fleshed out who Maleficent is beside "innocent fairy who loves her wings, is wary of humans."

Yo, bro!

Right?! There's a personal rule in this house, you don't touch me and I won't touch you. Apart from that, go nuts.

Are spiders really that unusual and frightening to the rest of the world? Just calm down, wear sturdy gloves if you'd like, and release it somewhere it can mind its own business.

Cue music.

Tomorrow's story: Car's owner found with huge spider attached to face.

* Sketch artist approximation

In addition current industry trends with new cars show additional weight being added for various new safety and comfort features.

The guy's a giant teabagger so "free market" is his god, right? Seems like what the market will bear is that Harley won't support the warranty if you do something stupid like fly a bunch of flags (of any kind) at highway speeds on a bike they built (cause they didn't build it for that, duh...)

Well done to Harley Davidson for coming back with a coherent and just response and not allowing someone to pressure and force them into something just because someone did something to void the warranty.

I guess that not only did you not read the article, but you also lack common sense.