
Impossible to not hear Dale's voice while reading that.

Since we're on this topic, how did people have the guts to stand so close in Group B? I cringe whenever I watch Group B footage.

I wish this could have been COTD. I can't stop laughing at it.

What a coincidence. I store burritos in my cheeks too.

RE: Tesla article.

Is that Eric Gregg behind the plate?

Righteous Rojo Rings $12

I genuinely have trouble understanding why the fuck people care who other people fuck. Unless of course you happen to be in a relationship with those people, then I can absolutely understand caring. I can even understand if you care because you wish you were involved with one of those people. But unless you're

This is pretty awesome, I must say.

its a clash of opinions thats all it is, if "god" didnt "exist" already then somebody would make him up. and my favoured method of disposing of religious zealots is to feed them to my newly regenerated T-Rex. oh you didnt know? that T-Rex fossil was pretty handy.

Who forced the employer to break state labor laws? Nobody. Now they are being sued for it.

Don't pretend like the NFL is the victim here. These women deserve to be paid for the work they do. Its simple, really.

When will these yahoos go extinct?

What if one of the "first-line" journalist writes a review to be published on 30 April but accidentally leaves his Macbook at Starbucks where a blogger finds it, reads the review and posts the review on his own blog.

I get that Joel has his fans. But he's just so... blah. His jokes are a little weak and he lacks enthusiasm. I know that's on purpose, but it takes away from the fun. And Pearl is a better villain. I said it.

He probably didn't see the camera.

That's disgusting. What made him think he could do this in such a public setting and get away with it?

It looks like their job should be Elementary School.