
One of the most butterface cars I've ever seen.

No problem. Glad to be of service.

Well, Bald Eagle tears are actually 104 octane gasoline, so YES.

And it does so with half the cylinders of a Veyron!

"The Hellcat can burn 1.5 gallons of gas per minute."

"...I couldn't quite tell if he was Chuck himself, or just some Gil Gunderson-esque salesman."

It's not "pretty" by any stretch of the imagination, but if I had the means, I would highly recommend picking one up.

My word, you've just made the Panamera beautiful.

Pictured below, "smells of the season" in Oklahoma:

No Dunlap Syndrome; not fat.

Thanks for this post Paul; I was in need of some whacking material.

The inarguably best aviation movie of all time, "Airplane!" was released on this day in 1980.

Woz Jr. has some pipes!

Laugh all you want, Belgium.

That works out to a free Sandero for every six posts!

I do really like PGM, but I'm not a big fan of Saddle/Tan interiors. That's how most of them came.

I'll give you that; but Duchamp was, by most definitions, a legitimate artist as well as a troll. By that logic, an artistic troll who can't produce legitimate art is still just a troll.

I'm pretty sure it's not just you.