
I wouldn't be sure where to start.

OK, as I've already established, I have no beetle cred. What I'm having a hard time understanding is why they went to the 3-section oval if reverse lights weren't yet mandatory?

Same here. Not a beetle person at all, but an enjoyable read nonetheless.

All I could think of when I saw the soup:

"They can't recover videos from your phone after you delete them, right?"

*turns on bullhorn*

FR gear in the summer sucks.

I thought it was funny. The only thing I found offensive was the questionable grammar.

I had the dashboard of the future once. I had to bang on it with my fist to get it to work sometimes.


Just be sure you like really flat fingerboards if you go with the Ibanez. Good luck!

Nice call on the RGA121 if you're an Ibanez guy. Since a lot of the lower end stuff is made in Indonesia, some of those prestige models are made in Korea now, and the quality isn't up to par with the MIJ Prestige models (like the RGA121).

I may have gotten the model wrong. I'm far from a PRS expert. The one I was looking at was definitely a Santana, but had a few unusual features. I just assumed it was a Santana I.

9/10 times it has far less to do with the dog than the owner. Just like any other dog, pits are good, loyal dogs in the right hands.

To be truthful, most probably do.

I love the C2 coupe. My lottery-winning dilemma has always been which one to get.

C2 big block coupe.

Wire Daytons, Pit puppies.

"Can I press the ah-ooo-gah button?"