
I'm not a big Gibson guy, but I loooove me some 335s. Natural finish dot-neck, please.

I've had mine for about 20 years, and I'm pretty sure it cost $300 or so new. I've spent at least that much in upgrades for it. It is pretty good for what it cost, though.

I've never gotten into PRS that much (the only one I've ever really liked was a Santana I - waaay out of my price range).

We need to figure out the "V6 Mustang" equivalent to guitars. You know, something that's perfectly good, but nobody really wants.

As someone who is equal parts guitar guy and Jalop, I can't say I've ever seen a "car themed" guitar that I've liked.


Can you imagine if afterbirth was actually made of polenta?

What happened to the flag? Easy... it was never there! Wake up sheeple!

How's about you guys start with a car nobody cares about?

As an "on the ground" CT guy (power generation), I have to say: great clarification.

"Navy Seals!"

Trying to teach your son right from wrong by watching the NFL draft?

Don't have a clip, but my favorite sanitized Pulp Fiction line:

Back when I was a news photographer, I remember trying to quickly and succinctly explain the whole "reasonable expectation" thing to someone. I came up with:

I never thought he was innocent; however, the prosecution did a piss-poor case in attempting to prove his guilt. Given that according to the law, he was to be prosecuted on the evidence and arguments that the prosecution presented, he should have been found not guilty.

Thanks for doing the typical thing and turning this into a binary issue. There's a big difference between innocent and not guilty of the the charges as presented by the prosecution.

I've just realized how disturbingly relevant your name is to this conversation.

On a 1986 Bronco II, driving to school every day. Once I learned that I could slip the clutch a little, it was no problem.

"Damnit. What are the chances that I show up to the wrong fucking game AGAIN?"

What was with that snap? Did the center bounce it off his taint or something?