
PPE, it’s the law.

Alternate opinion: Trailer guy should get in touch with unicorn mural guy to make some magic happen.

This looks exactly like something I want but can not afford.

Yeah... Once you live with someone who’s feelings you care for, you try to be tidy when you cook versus someone who might be your friend and you just want them to work for their meal. For instance, when I cook (I only cook, my gf does not) I don’t use more than I need to and if I have down time, I will rinse bowls I

Well, I hope they will be getting themselves a Wonkavator.

Moon Knight would be much better.

I’m loving this series now since I am in the market myself.

Well, last year the Red Line died during the winter. Looks like it is the Orange Line’s turn.

I mean...there was booting, and rallying, but I am not sure that’s how it is supposed to be done.

Stephen Lang is the only correct choice for Cable.

Al... did you say “pretty fucking exciting” at the end there?

The cost has more to do with how the product is classified. Companies who make medical equipment like wheelchairs have to do a lot more in the regulatory space than a bike shop who just makes bicycles for recreation. There is also an added insurance issue to think about.

I’d like to see that diver’s footage. He had a camera too.

So much Anime.

I approve.

It’s not clear how she got back home.

In this scenario, of a grown woman wearing “children’s cloths”, isn’t the only thing that could make it worse the fact that this person who has revealing cloths is actually a child?

I’m not saying human heads are made for...whatever is happening in that .gif, but we shouldn’t compare it to the problem football players are faced with with CTE. The cosplay helmets being shown are mainly to mitigate the primary impact of something else moving in relation to your skull/brain (and there is also little

Actually, the guy is fine. Your point would be valid if he was moving and then stopped abruptly (like a football player). However, having an object stop abruptly on his head (and be diffused by the helmet) is fine.

F-Zero for life.