
I could care less about what he does. I just don’t like that he calls himself a scientist.

Moving air through a pipe or small and long plastic tube is different than how a fan is agitates air.

You scan in and scan out...like the subway.

I wonder if this includes all those Fail / Win / Everything is Awesome / etc. videos.

Yeah, thought about it. So we die sooner when the Earth corrects itself. Good observation.

Can Kurt also be Snake?

I can’t even begin to express my agreement here. As a solid veteran of EQ and eventually EQ2, I saw it all in the 90's. I remember to this day farming those halls working toward the sleeper. Or camping out somewhere collecting my various illusions.

Not sure why anyone would want to pick their nose. It’s the boogers they should be picking.

Damn Daffy, why do you need to always be an asshole.


I think that is a scarf, not another coat.

Id be curious to see some hockey goalies moonlight.

Try eating a bathtub full and we can talk.

Sometimes I wonder (hope maybe) that the studios read articles like this. Then another movie comes out and I am positive they do not read the “internet”.

The fact you don’t have a dossier on Microsoft is frightening.

You kind of sound like him in some of your articles and videos.

So what about house cats? Those little guys kill for fun.

Mondays are boring enough.

You will need a fancy scientist for that one.

The internet doesn’t forget.