
I can’t even. I just. I mean on my PC, I already freak out if a creeper comes around from out of the darkness. VR man, it would essentially put Minecraft in the jump scare category.

Clearly a publicity stunt.

Now playing

Did you watch that vid all the way through?

Here is a hint. He also ran for the U.S. Senate in Texas.

As terrifying as Wooly Willy...so really terrifying.

This clip is everything I didn’t know I wanted.

I watched for the sweater...that’s all.

I also tried coming into WoW for the first time in 2016. I was an old EQ/EQ2 nerd and dabbled in a lot of MMOs. Wow was brutal for me. I level capped, geared up via PVP and then raided, only to be informed that I wouldn’t be a good DPSer for a while till I got gear. The guy half asleep picking his nose and pressing

So in my city at least, ZipCars are all over the place. They are also required, similar to Toronto, to park off street in designated spaces. Normally a special spot in an existing parking lot or garage. It would be interesting to see if more car share program start pushing for more street parking in permit driven

Clearly these cars didn’t have their legs.

Cross linking is strong with this one.

I wish I could push your comment to the top.

The answer is always fire.

Haha, the shipwrech was part of the demo I did. It was probably the only demo that actually tricked my brain. There was the underwater shipwreck you were on, but you also looked down into an abyss off the bow of the ship. Without the feeling of water around you and that sensation of floating (I scuba dive), the

Sploid isn’t a science blog. Its more of the click bait, shiny section. I would say io9 was the closest to science when it wasn’t under Gizmodo.

So this is how grey goo started.

In D3, the difficulty levels are simply stepping stones to end game. Most games have these types of stepping stones, so it is hard for me to understand why people find fault in Diablo when they spend hours leveling a character so they can raid. It is the same premise. In D3, you don’t do the same story over and over

uhhh, they are CG eyes...not totally awful, but...you can see him squint.. or something.. very odd

You also forget how dumb Goodell is.