
Next up is Jalopnik and Lifehacker right, because both cater to people who like using tools on things.

I wish they would make their own site for comics and syfi only.

I wouldn’t, it would be super boring. You’d essentially just watch someone type in a few commands to get the final credits to roll.

Looks like a some algae bio-luminescence reactions are happening here.

It’s called Nose Blindness.

Imagine this happening with fish.

There is a Time article on this as well. I think SI did one as well

Maybe they work on commision.

I just don’t like how they compare things to TW: Rome. They locked away Vikings, but if they locked away say.. Romans? I think they would of had the same issue we are seeing here with the Chaos faction within the TW: Warhammer universe.

your gif isn’t of the product in question.

Nope, that’s Verizon.

There are deals a foot, just need to stay vigilant. I snagged a 1TB SSD for $269.99, which is only 27 cents per GB.

UNSAFE Nuclear isn’t very efficient anyway.

Technically the first graph from Mark/Stanford says fossil and nuclear in the big chunk to phase out (and Hydro).

Sorry if that wasn’t clear. I was agreeing with you that it was a bad spot. I was being logical, even though you’d like to spin things because you are angry at something.

This kid is getting greedy and should stop at the apologies. Maybe ask for something symbolic, like the key to the city or a library card. (Bolding symbolic here for the dummies who say a library card wouldn’t cover the 15M in damages.)

Actually the explanation was, “There is no foul on the play.” Which means, there was no foul, not that there was a foul and no flag is thrown.

Technically, the missed placed whistle hurt the Patriots, as the gain after catch would of exceeded 15 yards. The spot on the ball was the only bad call on that play if you go by the way the rule book is written. The last play of the game was also sketchy, but there is a lot of technicalities revolving around the rule

Not sure how you didn’t save the bounty hunter one for last. That was a good lead up.