Zeus, The Almighty.

Yeah, I’d have to agree with you.

For some reason the main menu gives me about 45-55fps but in game I get a solid 60 at ultra on my 970m.

The Avenger is the ship I recommend to people wanting to have some fun in the game. Good fun to fly.

I’d say as soon as the devs get quiet. As it stands right now, we’re getting multiple weekly and monthly communications from all the studios on what they’re working on and how it’s coming along. They’re far from quiet.

Nah, those guys are cool.

I think you’re cute.

It was a conversation ender. Notice how I flew away in my beautiful ship with a missing HUD and a door that doesn’t work?

Just one. The others I have are in-game.

As someone who’s invested money in and follows the development of Star Citizen, I absolutely hate when anyone talks about it. Everyone and their dog has an opinion on it based on what they’ve heard from people who haven’t been following the games development at all.

Yeah, it’s far from done.

I actually solved most of my issues. The frame pacing, at least. Just had to tweak a few settings in the nvcp.

My laptop actually doesn’t have optimus.

Here’s a screenshot with everything at the absolute lowest setting.


Yeah, I think I’m just going to wait until the Vulkan patch.

Cool, I’ll check that out.

It’s actually much closer to a 960


I’m actually having a hell of a time getting it to run smoothly on my 970m, even at the lowest settings at 1080p. It’s hovering around a jittery 50fps. Really not sure why. Should be running much better.

You know, I used to really like letlive, but the more I see of them in interviews and their little pr campaigns, I hate them more and more. They’re just so goddamn pretentious and self righteous. Oh well, saw them years ago and they were great live, so I guess that’s what counts?