
ummm..why didn't the hotel step in before it got like this? That kind of damage takes some time to do unless its from a hurricane or something. What a bunch of fucking brats.

people are desperate to lose weight. I think most women, who have been trying to lose weight for years and years, believe the hype at least once in a hail mary attempt to make losing weight easier.

*sigh*. She looks so sad and so young. This is not the life she wanted. And he looks like a mean mother fucker-i hope they throw the book at him.

family members reporting abuse is tricky, from my experience. After my dad died, my mom went crazy and was pretty constantly abusing my sister and I. It wasn't every night and the verbal abuse was worse than the physical...but I should not have been in her care. my mom put on happy face and explained away all the

this is indeed what happens when access to birth control and abortions is limited. This woman should not have had these kids-she was clearly in over her head and not able to provide a home where the kids aren't abused and killed.

agreed. I almost never come down on the side of taking the children away because the foster care system sucks. But in this case-it needed to happen yesterday. Of course we can by sympathetic that she is most likely also a victim of abuse but that doesn't mean she isn't responsible for the welfare of her kids. Her

will there be a video?

that is rude

Its Colorado not Alabama...but maybe

I was thinking that too. You get all riled up and want to take a stand for something-so you put it on something as temporary as a cake??

I live in Europe. And, its mostly US and Canada that really have such a wide spread policy about it. Its not like other vaccines. I am not saying right or wrong(though i would not get it), i only want to point out that having an issue with the flu vaccine is not AT ALL the same as being an anti-vaxxer.

but he was talking specifically about flu vaccine-not the major ones. Lots of people don't get the flu vaccine partly because it indeed isn't very effective. Where i live, they only recommend old people and people with compromised immune systems to get it.

indeed. my friend decided to shave her legs at around that age too. But didn't realize that you didn't you have press the razor into your shins. She now has a light scar that runs all the way up her leg. She was terrified and thought she had committed suicide(she was ten)because it bled so much. I still laugh thinking

my mom did this too-WTF? everyday in junior high these assholes would sing Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow...at the top of their lungs when i walked down the hall. 7th grade was a tough fucking year.

i am also sometimes fooled by doorbells on tv

and filling the jails is really about being a job creator

exactly, my family is pretty conservative. More old school republican conservative than new bat shit crazy though. My husbands parents run one of the few women's health centers in the Netherlands that are licensed to give late term abortions.

maybe said liberals should actually walk outside and vote

Pain that i am sure she will request a few painkillers for the next ten years for...

i didn't have enough energy to even read this whole list little lone actually do these things. I mean, if this is your thing...live long and prosper. But i never understood it. My friends and I were so fucking happy to go to college and be away from our parents and the rules of high school/small town. ALl we wanted to