
Just like a woman: get something totally for free that she didn't have to work for that she didn't have when she got there, take half of what he owns, and you'll still complain.

For those people who don't know what Milan Lucic looks like, he'll be dressed like this for the next few months.

I'll attempt to address your stupidity line by line:

Nice sarcasm failure. Your "not particularly gritty" Blackhawks list over the past few years includes: Byfuglien, Bickell, Bolland, Bollig, Ladd, Madden, Shaw, Saad, and this motherfucker:

As a lifelong (and broken-hearted) Penguins fan, I can't see much here to disagree with, except:

I agree, the greatest in the world probably leads the league in playoff points per game. Oh, look! Crosby does!

"People in Pittsburgh won't like to hear this but these Penguins were never going to win a Stanley Cup with the roster as it's currently constituted."

Playoff hockey and regular-season hockey are almost two different games. The Pens were built to win the regular season, but the video-game playmakers and tic-tac-toe passing bog down in the post-season when the refs look past some of the little stuff that would get called in November and let 'em play.

And I'm not

Nobody affiliated with Philadelphia has ever been happy about anything.

last time I checked the Flyers were just happy to make the playoffs

Can advanced analytics explain why you made this asinine statement?

To anyone who thinks the Pens are doing the majority of this, you haven't watched much of the series. Mark Staal has been killing Crosby. The Rangers were clutching and grabbing players all series. The officials have no control over the game. It's not all Pens.

You can clearly see Moore's left hand holding Crosby's stick in place:

In his defense, it's probably not fair to single out his homophobia. I, for one, am willing to give him credit and say that Marshall Henderson probably has very dumb thoughts about a lot of other things, too.

The community of Lollipo Guild, Ontario, has never been prouder.

Have the Pens really done more of it? I haven't watched this particular series all the way, but from the parts I have watched, there's been lots of chippy crap from both sides, including at least one uncalled crosscheck to Crosby's face. Crosby's obviously no saint, but during the (admittedly limited) time I've

Staal has been hammering him in the head the entire series.

Dont watch. Go watch a 7 hour MLB game or a rigged NBA/NFL game. Bitch

"That's where you're wrong, baby! Blitzer has CHUNKS of guys like Barkley in his STOOL!"

Now playing

Earlier today, Charles had something to say to people who were upset by his words about the larger women in San Antonio. (Spoiler alert: It wasn't an apology.)