
I hope you know what happened to "The King in the North"...

Millennials! Putting unfunny shit on the internet since 2008...

Giroux is a great. Fuck the Flyers. That is all.


So, you were able to google "weak analogy fallacy" but not argumentum ad populum, huh? Guess I shouldn't expect bluefish900, or eve6, or blink182, or sum41, or maroon5 to possess an actual understanding of logical argument...

Okay, we'll call a truce. It was a good time, though!

Sorry, I don't live in Pittsburgh, have sagging skin, or own a Gateway or a recliner. Also, my sense of moral and intellectual superiority (in comparison to you) is properly inflated. It's amazing how easy you are to read, and yet you really can't seem to place me! I think your trolling is in need of improvement.

Here's the best part: You didn't have any points! Everything you stated was an opinion without factual corroboration. Thus, your argument is 100% dependent on your character, which is therefore completely open to attack.

If there's one person on whom who I rely for sound logical arguments, it's Shaunimal, the Flyers fan, who just googled ad hominem and still doesn't understand its meaning. Congrats, now you can actually complain about an ad hominem attack!

"He'll punish himself more than Shanny can"

We should allow for the possibility that this upstanding citizen:

Maybe you should also point out that Thornton's intent is to pound Orpik's face, while Neal's intent might be to get off the ice for a line change. Whether he meant to run into Marchand's head is unclear - in the video he's not looking down when they collide. What is 100% clear is that Thornton wanted to hurt Brooks

" that's not how hockey works"..."as a Blueshirts fan"

If you were familiar with the sport of hockey, you would know that it doesn't matter whether he's strictly possessing the puck or it's in his vicinity. The hit was textbook.

"So a shooting guard isn't allowed do that but a striker can?!?"

It's only "borderline blindside" because Erikkson is too stupid to keep his head up in open ice when he has the puck. The hit was 100% clean - you might want to take a look at the .gif in the comments.

There was nothing high about Orpik's hit. He didn't leave his skates or raise his stick. It was as clean as it always is - Brooks just ran him over and Erikkson wasn't paying attention. Additionally, Orpik is too important to his team to be fighting douchebags like Thornton. It's the same reason Chara doesn't get

Kid has a raphseet

Look at this bitch on the field! Suspend him now!