
Oh my god, he's all over the field!! How did they not catch this!!!

"It is pass interference by either team when any player movement beyond the line of scrimmage significantly hinders the progress of an eligible player of such player’s opportunity to catch the ball"

That's okay - the officials decided to make up for this by botching a clear DPI call on the Ravens during the game-tying two-point conversion attempt. No harm done!

Pharrell Williams, who is perhaps the hottest producer in music right now...

Please tase that kid, bro!

Still, these jerseys were way better than Mendenhall's first choices of "God", "Truth", and "I just have a hard time believing a plane could take a skyscraper down demolition style"

Wow, -100000000. Worst comment ever!

Clearly, this is the worst haircut Diane Keaton has ever received.

Science's contribution to society >> Football's contribution to society

Like a true Demolition Man, he demolished that ball into the corner.

From East to West: Leaders, Legends, Losers, Contracted.

One can only hope that Messi gets a SERIOUS tax break for this.

No, you like UFC, but it's not on every night...

Here's an easy fix to stop the anger - pick a new team. The Flyers are the shittiest, stupidest, and least-deserving franchise in sports. They have always embraced the "Broad Street Bullies" label that consistently threatens to make the NHL a garage league. There are a number of teams out there that favor skill,

All of this Deadspin knobgobbling can only mean one thing:

Neymar Does It Again: Flops, Talks Smack, Flops, Flops, Then Flops, Sets Up to Flop, and Flops Winning Goal

Pictured: The nadir of Noah Wylie's acting career.

The Hawks made the playoffs exactly 1 time between 1997 and 2008. They stunk WELL before 2003. As for the Leafs, they've had some success making the playoffs. Unfortunately, in the past 50 years they've won their division 1 time and finished 2nd exactly 5 times. I feel like that screams futility....

I was refuting this statement:

The Flyers and the Philadelphia media deserve each other herpes.