William Miller

Whine about how you want others to bag your stuff all you want. I love not having to interact with people.

Omg. Contact was so bad. Worst ending ever.

Shoulda had 4 year olds try. They can get into anything.

Love how the conservative, religious party in the south was pro slavery and theyre concerned with what they called themselves. As if all the democrats and republicans moved and switched places after the civil war instead of labels simply changing.

By everyones logic your logic is bad. If the basic premise of the Democratic party was racist, itd still be racist. Basic premise of IQ is flawed. Not about what it originally is. It is about what it STILL is.

People who think IQ is valid and not racist are low IQ people.

Tried twice. Fell asleep 20 minutes in both times. Kinda hard to wonder what happens after the end when you cant get to it. And we’re talking a movie thats only 37 minutes without slowmo.

A bouncy ball. They showed VIDEO of it being shot. Good thing Tesla has a great track record of honest videos.

Monster energy drink flavor? 

Or the Yankees going against his world series little league team.

Why? Comments do it for free.

Fuck the rule against perpetuities.

Yeah, some ways only because the government forced intuit to provide. And once provided got sued for purposefully trying to hide and make it hard to find and use so you get tricked into paying them. Thats partly the point.

Putting a case on a 100+ degree phone will keep you from feeling it, but will just make the phone even hotter. Welcome to shutdown city.

Why? You just did it for free.

You vastly over estimate the paid editorial work done here at Gizmodo. Who needs professionalism and credibility when you can crowd source editing for free?

To be fair half the westgate hotel was shut down due to rain last week.

Full moon is way older than asylum.

Depends on the usage. You seem to have deleted yours.

So you don’t know what a scab is and you’re angry about that?