
so if someone shows you that your windows could be broken you would immediately brick up every opening in your house?

I understand what it is, the "security flaw" is that it can sit on top of an app and you wouldn't have any way of knowing it was logging. Don't get me wrong every version of windows and pretty much every os out there has major security issues and they all involve programs being installed and run without the users

Yeah! Because hackers aren't know for putting any effort at all into trying to get your personal info. None of what you said would take any effort at all. Apple users and their misconceptions about security are the biggest threat to their own safety. Now that iphone and ipads are rampant they are about to find out

Sooo... Uber hackers target hipster developer targeting not his bank account, or collection state secrets, but his collection of dick pic selfies and sepia toned croissant photos. Oh and they also happen to know his cell phone # that he uses with gmail. Sound to me like this guy need to have a talk with his gf about

Actually every carrier I have looked at where I live wants $550 for the same nexus 5 that I can buy from Google for $350. So subtract $200-300 for carrier profits from that price. Then another level of margin for manufacturer and suppliers profits. I'll bet the actual cost to make just about any phone is less than

That is awesome I wish I could see the whole unedited video. Lasers don't need to be banned just think of it as legal darwinism.

Yeah man! F the poe leece, even if this is a one sided version of events with no corroborating evidence even manipulated video that shows anything you are saying is even remotely true.

So who is responsible?

I doubt your real name is klepp0906, why did you do that? Some people have names that are more identifiable than John Smith but still want to participate online with the rest of the herd. I have FB, linkedin, twitter etc. accounts but none of them has any personal information and they are locked down. You guys are

I have had chips in all my cards for over a year now, except surprisingly enough my American Express card I think I will have to shelf that one. I live in Canada BTW.

Several take aways here:

IKR? My reaction was "Are you F***ing nuts!?" people will buy anything these days, and worse they will pay some hack to develope it, maybe.

Actually most of them are not that smart, they buy the tech online and they have websites dedicated to giving them the information they need to make them work. Most "Hackers" are not Hackers but end users of products created by a very few smart people that are usually not dumb enough to actually use these things

While this may give pause to non-smokers it has been demonstrated that terrifying smokers only makes them more likely to smoke.


You need to look up the definition of myopic Jimz because it doesn't mean what you think it means. Myopic is a better description of you and your resistance to doing something different.

It had never occured to me that leaving butter in a fridge was something that anyone would even do, sure I keep mine in the fridge for long term storage, and use it in baking and cooking because it is easier to handle, but for spreading it is always left on the counter. Butter should not ever go rotten because of the

you are a hypocrite and an fool. every cell phone has a camera, video and voice recorder. surveillance and hidden cameras have been available for years. dash cams are common place. If you think you are not being recorded whenever you are doing something you are fooling yourself. It will get even worse when Google, and

I'm not sure why there is so much hate on people that wear GG other than being ugly I see no problem with it. I certainly have no use for them currently the same with most gadgets, but they are cool. Hopefully this redesign will help alleviate some of the hate that GG wearer suffer. Kind of reminds me of when cell

Dude, they didn't patent the idea, they patented their design for the hardware that will implement the idea. This idea has been around for decades and in most cases the technology was not compact enough to make it feasible. If you can come up with your own working version of this you can still patent it, but be warned