  1. June 1971: Nixon officially declares a "war on drugs," identifying drugabuse as "public enemy No. 1." July 1973: Nixon creates the DrugEnforcement Administration (DEA) to coordinate the efforts of all other agencies.

No they aren't, Gizmodo is full of self righteous, partisan, propaganda spewing ignorant writers who are more interested in posting click bait than any kind of meaningful exposition. Nicotine is addictive, the only way to quit is to stop taking it in. Almost everything around you is harmful to your health, deal with

If a mouse were more like a game controller it would be useless. Apple under Tim Cook really has nothing left do they.

An engine by definition converts thermal energy into motion, a motor on the other hand convert any form of energy into motion. Of course you can write your own definitions of whatever you want, that pretty much sums up everything that is wrong with the english language these days anyways.

All engines are motors but not all motors are engines, look it up. On a side it would appear that most of the planet is uneducated, the idiots on youtube just figured out that acid makes milk curdle and somehow this makes Coke bad.

The crap that passes for art these days is pathetic.

mayonnaise is made with raw eggs.

Chickens don't piss. Are you sure you work at a chicken farm?

I feel the overwhelming need to point out that by definition if you are leasing a BMW you don't actually own it. Sorry.

Makes no sense, and it is a crappy commercial better suited to selling and iPod than a $60k car.

As I was saying... all calories are not processed equally by your body or even the same way by different people, 1000 calories of hamburger is not the same as 1000 calories of ice cream. If you eat a healthy diet of whole natural foods of any type you will never have to worry about how many calories you are eating.

It's actually not genocide if it's people that annoy you, genocide is based on genetic traits. Stupid is annoying though.

I concur and they are completely unapologetic when they completely screw it up. It only becomes apparent when you have knowledge yourself of the subject being discussed. There is also the affinity for them to distract you from their terrible writing with annoying GIF's of videos that you are about to watch.

Yeah because the police should be taking legal advice from the internets because you can't put anything on here that isn't true, right? Am I right?

So what you're saying is that shitty photographers should not be allowed to take pictures. The same could be said about all the damned GIF's used here. And while we're at it maybe Giz should stop letting the shitty writers write. Oh and don't forget to ban the crappy painters, and burn the books you don't agree with,

We need to stop making so many damned people not find more way to feed them.

Can somebody please explain to me what is supposed to be so unhealthy about a a hamburger. This one may give you a dose of E.coli for being under cooked, but other than that all I see is ground beef, vegetables, a little salad dressing and two pieces of bread. Food is not inherently unhealthy, overeating and a lack of

Seriously the GIFs suck I wish they would stop.

Some one should start a petition to ban GIF's on Giz and every associated site. they give me a headache instantly.

You know if it were not for people like you all there would be is coke. I don't like a lot of things either.